Issue #1
Related to Newsletter Plan (Published at page)
Related to Newsletter Plan (Published at page) 1
Related to Newsletter Plan (Published at page) 2
Heyy Wizards,
Welcome to our very first issue of Airtable Wiz’s Weekly Newsletter.
I’m keeping it simple here, and I will add more content as we go along.😉
Let’s get to our first use case!🎉
Use Case #1: Create A Directory with Pory.io
The Idea
We have members in the No Code Asia community who are founders of no-code web builders, tools and products created from no-code.
So it was high time to showcase them on our main website — Made by APAC, a dedicated directory page of Asia-Pacific builders.

The Flow & Front End
This is where Pory.io comes in.
Quick intro: “Pory is a no-code platform for creating apps and portals using Airtable. It takes less than 1 minute to connect your data and has a growing collection of building blocks.”
For the flow, we have two: 1) Viewers, and 2) Founders. Three, if you count the website admin.
Let’s get to it!
For viewers:
Like any other directory platform, you can immediately browse through the list when you open the page as shown in the screen above.
Here it is filtered by country names. Since we’re APAC, you will only see the countries from this region. There are only 6 of them at the moment - Australia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam as these were submitted by their founders. If you’re from countries not in the list, it will show up once you’ve submitted. Read “For founders” below on how to do it.

We have a new website!
I just bought the domain name this afternoon. You can head over to https://airtablewiz.com to check it out. The old link is still working. I just did the URL forwarding, so it’ll redirect to the new domain. My apologies for the confusion.
What’s Next?
The next use case will be how I use Zapier to automate data transfer from Airtable.
I’m going to add a “Contact” page for you to book a 1:1 call with me. Just to chat, or gossip. Whatever you want.😆
I hope this building as I go along won’t annoy everyone.😅
That’s it! The first issue is now OUT!
I can breathe again!🤣
Founder of Airtable Wiz & No Code Asia