Issue #5

Issue #5

Related to Newsletter Plan (Published at page)
Apr 7, 2023 11:00
Related to Newsletter Plan (Published at page) 1
Related to Newsletter Plan (Published at page) 2
notion image

Heyy Wizards,

Welcome to the Airtable Wiz’s Weekly Newsletter.
Thanks for staying, and still supporting my effort in writing this newsletter.
Would appreciate it if you can recommend Airtable Wiz to anybody you know who wants to learn about Airtable, and Airtable-Stack.🥰
If you missed the last issue, you can read them here.

This issue will be the last long-form use-case for this season.
In its replacement, I’ll start sharing tips & tricks and Airtable news on the next issue onwards.
I made the decision because the long-form is taking a lot of time to complete due to its build nature. It is after all, real-life use-cases.😉
I’ll be more prepared for the next season. Stay tuned for that.
What kind of use-cases do you want to see next? DM or reply to this email with your ideas.

Use Case #5 — Automating Scholarship Application Process

Photo by Katerina Holmes via
Photo by Katerina Holmes via
A little bit different from the usual for this use-case edition. It’ll be based on my work with a member of a community that I am in.

But first, some introductions

Lilian Warutere is a learning designer and facilitator.
She helps professionals and organizations who want to teach online to design the right combination of learning experiences, tools and systems that can help them share their knowledge through online courses and online learning communities.
She is the course manager of the Breakthrough Facilitation course.

Intro to Breakthrough Facilitation

It is a 5-week online course that teaches how to lead instantly engaging online sessions your audiences will love.
Gwyn Wansbrough, the facilitator and course creator, has over 20+ years of experience and her unique framework to help people lead and create online experiences that will lead to breakthroughs.

Before we proceed with the work…

A Disclaimer

I have Lilian's permission (which is also from Gwyn😉) to share some information with my audience. So, I will only share relevant information to respect her privacy and our professional relationship.
OK, now Let’s Get to It!.💃🏻

The Problem

“I'm working on creating an automation, but I have hit a bit of a problem. The automation is meant to help make a scholarship application process easier.
Here is the current process:
  1. Applicant fills out a scholarship form on Tally.
  1. The application is sent to Notion via integration.
  1. We review the application and tag it accepted/rejected in Notion.
  1. Via automation: Those accepted are tagged Scholarship in Convertkit and receive an email from Convertkit confirming their successful application.
  1. Unsuccessful applicants are tagged and receive a regret letter from Convertkit.
My greatest challenge is that sometimes Tally-Notion integration would break at random times and I would like to make the process shorter.” — Lilian Warutere

The Workflow

Before and After workflow
Before and After workflow

The Tools

  • Airtable (To view and process the applications, database)
  • Zapier (To connect and automate between tools or apps)

Let's dig in!


I’m reintroducing the below section because I want to share the tools or materials that help me with my journey, which can be non-Airtable related.


Quit by Annie Duke: There are times, it's better to quit than to prove your grit. Same “exit” approach but more on a personal level. Thanks, @Farez, for recommending this book.


ParityDeals is a platform that enables automatic pricing optimisation based on customers' geographical location, often called "purchasing power parity" pricing. I feel obligated to add this to my payment as not everyone is earning USD/EUR/GBP.💜
Until the next one,